Ship repairs
> Production facilities

General Info


SNC is the leading shipyard in repair and conversion projects in Mediterranean and Black Seas, being THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE FOR DOCKING SUEZMAX AND CAPESIZE VESSELS IN THE BLACK SEA AREA. Being able to accomodate any type of vessel up to 200,000 dwt, SNC repaired up to now more than 5,000 vessels, with an annual average of 80 - 100 projects.


The air of SNC's management is to be flexible and to fulfill the clients' specific wishes, in respect of the quality and completion time for the requested services; therefore leading ship-owning companies located all over the world are bringing their vessels to SNC's faciities to perform periodic repair works.


Our shipyard's performance for main activities:

  • steel renewal rate: 5 - 15 t / day (subject to work's location and size);
  • surface treatment rate: 4,000 m2 / day;
  • total volume of staging available up to 150,000 m3.



  • Cutting and welding equipment
  • Grit-blasting, hydro-blasting & any other type of cleaning works facilities
  • Airless painting facilities
  • Pipe works and pipe bending facilities
  • Hot galvanizing facilities
  • Various machining equipment, including rotors balancing
  • Cherry pickers and scaffolding for close up survey


Storage Platforms

  • temporary storage facilities for hatch covers unloading and repairs, pertaining to vessels up to Capesize and large port container vessels.

  • storage area of approx. 10,000 sqm


Balancing Machine

We are pleased to inform you that we have recently installed one Balancing Machine from SCHENCK (type HM 4/20 U) in our shipyard, designed for accurate balancing of a wide spectrum of rotor, suitable for balancing cylindrical rotors with integral shaft journals and for balancing disc shaped rotors on balancing arbors.


Types of Works


The usual repair works regularly performed are:

  • standard dry-dock works which include: hull, tanks and cargo holds cleaning and painting, blasting and hydro blasting to various grades, pressure up to 2,200 bar, repair or replacing of sea chest and strainers, cathodic protection, anchors, chains and chain lockers, valves, rudder, tailshaft and stern tube;
  • major surface treatment application for cargo holds and cargo tanks;
  • extensive steelworks renewal;
  • mechanical & electrical works (regular and also specialized works of high complexity level);
  • pipe works (piping replacement and new piping system installation);
  • overhauling of any type of mainn and auxiliary engines, including parts reconditioning;
  • overhauling of any type of turbo chargers.


For more details about our facilities and performed types of works, please access below mentioned link.

Download: Facilities and Types of Works



Apart from the regular ship repair activity, Santierul naval Constanta owns professional skills and competence to undertake complex ship conversion projects or special projects, being successfully recommended by the works completed in the past, such us:

  • single hull tankers converted in double hull;
  • oil tanker into bulk carrier;
  • barge converted from salvage module into distillation plant;
  • damage repairs as a result of maritime incidents: collisions or groundings.


Additional Info

  • SNC is the principal contractor for Romanian Navy in performing dry dock and major repairs.


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