Ship repairs
> Ships energy efficiency measures


Retrofitting Projects



1. Fuel Consumption efficiency

  • Mewis duct coupling & on position installation
  • Schneekluth Wake Equalizing Duct - WED
  • Propeller Boss Cap Fin (PBCF) installation
  • Propeller silicon application
  • Bulbous bow replacement (manufacturing & installation) for container vessels


2. Energy efficiency

  • Additional Exhaust Gas Boilers (EGB)


3. Water ballast treatment installation


Serving a wide range of ship-owners and ship management companies worldwide and anticipating the forthcoming challenging years in what concerns retrofitting works for compliance with new regulations , i.e BWTS & scrubbers installation, Constanta Shipyard focused within last couple of years in preparing and gaining the needed experience for such works.
Started two years ago with pre-arrangement for BWTS installation on several MR tankers (construction of deck roof, installing pipes, valves ,etc) , the retrofitting experience continued with full BWTS package installation on SUEZMAX and AFRAMAX tanker ships.
Considering the specificity required by the design of particular systems ( i.e. chlorination based ), the Shipyard trained its own pipe fitters team for installation of GRE pipes,  in parallel with assigning dedicated and experienced repair project managers to follow these projects .
In 2018 , an AFRAMAX of one of our traditional Italian customers performed in Constanta Shipyard a complete BWTS installation  ( an UV principle based equipment), including the commissioning.
The main scope of works (apart to relevant standard volume of DD & repair jobs), was mainly consisting of :

Retrofit installation of Water Ballast Treatment System

  • Treatment and painting works: Power tooling ST3, painting 2 F/C and 2 S/C- foundations, pipes, valves and supports;
  • Soft steel: Foundation of Headway EUT- 2pcs (up to 0.8t), Headway EUT Platforms- 2pcs (up to 0.7t) and handrail- 21r.m, Foundation of Headway filter unit- 2pcs (up to 0.3t), Headway filter unit platforms- 2pcs (up to 1.3t) and handrail (up to 26 r.m), Drain tank (up to 150 kg), Monitoring unit foundation and support, Mooring unit control box foundation and support, EUT power unit foundation and support, Junction box foundation and support, Remote control unit foundation and support, Control unit foundation and support, Filter control box foundation and support, Back-flushing pump foundation, 'Neutralization unit foundation, Maintenance platform;
  • Pipe works- installation on steel pipes- up to 100 r.m, Pipe pressure test- up to 100 r.m;
  • Mechanical and electrical works: Installation of O/S equipment in P/R and E/R, Installation of O/S cables- 6 575 r.m;


The smooth and successful completion of the project was ensured also by the very professional Client’s on site team : Owner’s superintendents, BWTS Maker’s service engineers, designers.
Having in mind the actual market demands based on recent adopted IMO & USCG regulations concerning lowering SOx emission and ballast water treatment systems, Constanta Shipyard it’s prepared for the next at least two challenging years being ready to accommodate various type and size of ships up to SUEZMAX / CAPESIZE and large TEU container-ships.


4. Exhaust Gas Scrubber (EGS)


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