CONSTANTA SHIPYARD- MERGING TRADITION WITH NEW CHALLENGES- Hydro-jetting- aligning a competitive surface preparation to the environmental requirements
Following its assumed policy of continuous improvement in what consist the increase of efficiency versus HQSE norms, during the first half of 2023 SANTIERUL NAVAL CONSTANTA SA (CONSTANTA SHIPYARD), finalized the process of acquisition and commissioning of a state-of-the-art set of Ultra High Pressure equipment destined to be used mainly in the activity of surface preparation for ship-repairs projects. Upon conclusion of the commercial steps in negotiating a package, including the cost of machineries, commissioning, training of operators, 1 year service and OEM spare parts delivery, starting with the beginning of springtime 2023, the so called “blasting & painting” department has to change its name to “hydro-jetting, blasting & painting” department, as the first projects using the new & modern UHP equipment were successfully completed! Having on-site the below listed UHP equipment, SANTIERUL NAVAL CONSTANTA SA ( CONSTANTA SHIPYARD) made a new and firm step ahead in consolidating its position as a reference NB & ship-repairs facility located in Black Sea, ready, as always, to serve its reputable worldwide Customers and to respect the environmental, too. 1st delivery – January 2023 UHP pumps of 125kW, 3000bar - 4 units HP pumps of 250kW , 1500bar - 2 units Mini robot Lift worker heli, 1500bar- 2 units Multi-worker, 3000bar - 1 unit Pumps water supply line filters - 3 pcs. Various spare parts and accessories for the above. 2nd delivery – February 2023 UHP pumps 250kW, 3000bar - 3 units UHP wheel jet pump, 2000 bar - 1 unit Mini robot Surface rob, 3000bar - 1 unit Mini robot Lift worker beam, 3000bar - 2 units Pumps water supply line filters- 2 pcs. Various spare parts and accessories for the above. –Shortly it has been decided that additional equipment’s is needed and those was acquired with delivery during July 2023: Additional mini robots: 1 lift worker/ 1 multi-worker/ 1 surface rob. •4 new cherry-pickers (Terex - Genie), up to 28 meters. Constanta, August 2023
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